Get Rid of Fall Allergies By Cleaning Your Ducts

Fall isn't the usual time to talk about allergies but some people's allergies are worse in the Fall than in the Spring. If you suffer from allergies, like millions do, your home is the first place to go to get relief. That is unless your house is also saturated with dust and dander, thus making the allergies even worse. One solution is duct cleaning. The process helps extract dirt build up within your HVAC system and vents. Here are some reasons duct cleaning may help you control and manage your seasonal allergies better:

It Produces A Cleaner Air Environment

Seasonal allergy particles float through the air and easily get into your home when you open the door or turn on your air conditioning. These particles can land in your home's air ducts and lie dormant until they are stirred up and released into the living areas of your home. Having a thorough air duct cleaning can help remove the buildup of pollen and other contaminants to promote a healthy environment to breathe.

Duct Cleaning Combats Dust

If you've never cleaned your vents you will be amazed at how much dirt has built up in your system. Many people forget to change their filters regularly and will be disgusted when they see how filthy they are. Your vents are the perfect breeding ground for dust mites and their fecal matter can contribute to allergy suffering year round. Zerorez's powerful vacuum extraction system removed dust and helps restore clean air flow through your home.

Zerorez® is a Green Alternative

Having your duct work cleaned with Zerorez Zrā„¢ Water technology, is a green alternative to other commercial methods. The extraction process uses electrolyzed water and high powered vacuums to carefully remove dust from your duct work and into the Zerorez truck. Zrā„¢ Water cleans and eliminates harmful substances while releasing no toxins into your home.

Electrostatic Filter

Zerorez uses a high quality electrostatic filter that is custom fit for your home. Once you have this filter you will never have to buy another. Every six months simply remove the filter and spray it off with your hose, let it dry and use it again.

Using multiple techniques to clean your home will give relief to your allergy sufferers. Cleaning the carpet and tile regularly, cleaning your upholstery as well as your air duct system will help everyone in your home feel better.

Call 877-321-0739 or find us online at today to get the current special and book your next duct cleaning appointment.

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